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C++ Syllabus

Course Length and Class Periods: C++ is a full year, 6 day cycle, 1 credit class. Textbook: The students will be using Introduction to Computer Science Using C++ to gain practical knowledge of command line programming before attempting to complete any independent programs of their own.
My Expectations:
  • Come to class prepared to work every day
  • Come to class on time every day
  • Follow oral and written instructions
  • Complete assignments and care about the quality of these assignments
  • Apply knowledge to solve problems
  • Be cooperative and courteous
  • Be honest and dependable
  • Get along with peers
  • Respect each individual’s right to learn
  • Have a positive attitude
Materials Needed:
  • Three ring binder with dividers and notebook paper
  • Pen and/or pencil
  • Class folder

Attendance is key for student understanding of the different computer applications. It is up to the student to ask the instructor or a classmate about work that was missed. The student has the same amount of time as days missed to make up any assignments.
Evaluation Criteria:
Students will be given guidelines to how a grade was arrived upon with each individual program. Students will also be graded on a completion basis concerning textbook chapter questions, homework, and book programs.

Programs, questions, and vocabulary will be collected/checked on designated due dates. -5 points wilbe deducted for every day late except in cases of illness or other unforeseen circumstances. All programs will be completed in class, and the student will be able to work on a program from one of the computer labs or after school in my classroom if makeup time is needed.

A test will be given at the end of each unit of study, and quizzes will be given periodically throughout the marking period. This will enable me to better assess student understanding and/or struggles.
Grading Scale:
A= 93% B= 85-92% C= 77-84% D= 70-76% F= Below 70%

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